Akanksha Bafna
Postdoctoral Researcher in Sleep and Circadian Regulation
My research focuses on the molecular mechanisms that regulate daily timekeeping in mammals. I'm particularly interested in studying the role of genomic elements in regulating the circadian clock.
Recent publications
Harvesting mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus by vibrating microtome for diurnal transcriptome analysis
Bafna A. et al, (2023), STAR Protocols, 4, 102618 - 102618
Dynamic modulation of genomic enhancer elements in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the site of the mammalian circadian clock
Bafna A. et al, (2023), Genome Research, 33, 673 - 688
A new promoter element associated with daily time keeping in Drosophila
Sharp B. et al, (2017), Nucleic Acids Research, 45, 6459 - 6470
DNA methylation changes induced by long and short photoperiods in Nasonia
Pegoraro M. et al, (2016), Genome Research, 26, 203 - 210