Author Correction: Altered structural brain asymmetry in autism spectrum disorder in a study of 54 datasets (Nature Communications, (2019), 10, 1, (4958), 10.1038/s41467-019-13005-8)
Postema MC., van Rooij D., Anagnostou E., Arango C., Auzias G., Behrmann M., Filho GB., Calderoni S., Calvo R., Daly E., Deruelle C., Di Martino A., Dinstein I., Duran FLS., Durston S., Ecker C., Ehrlich S., Fair D., Fedor J., Feng X., Fitzgerald J., Floris DL., Freitag CM., Gallagher L., Glahn DC., Gori I., Haar S., Hoekstra L., Jahanshad N., Jalbrzikowski M., Janssen J., King JA., Kong XZ., Lazaro L., Lerch JP., Luna B., Martinho MM., McGrath J., Medland SE., Muratori F., Murphy CM., Murphy DGM., O’Hearn K., Oranje B., Parellada M., Puig O., Retico A., Rosa P., Rubia K., Shook D., Taylor MJ., Tosetti M., Wallace GL., Zhou F., Thompson PM., Fisher SE., Buitelaar JK., Francks C.
The original version of this Article contained an error in Fig. 1, in which the images shown in panel 1b were inadvertently duplicated from those in panel 1a. This error was introduced during the preparation of figures during the revision process. This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.